I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
SLJ Activity 3
In today's second post we had to find the names of the three sport teams the have fern in there name and then put them down on a document with a picture of there uniform and witch uniform we like the best. Here is my postππ
SLJ Activity 2
Today's Summer Learning Journey post is about if we want or not want to visit TΔne mahuta one day.
Here is my postπ²π²
Here is my postπ²π²
Monday, 17 December 2018
S L J Activity
Today is the first day of the Summer Learning Journey. We had to do a post on New Zealand
Here is my postππ
Here is my postππ
Friday, 14 December 2018
Waiuta SMA
In class we have been working on an SMA about how Dave Ross, Jimmy Marten, Ernest Bannan, Bill Meates found gold. Jake and I worked together. Here is our SMAππ
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Pictures of Waiuta
We have recently been on a School camp at Waiuta. We got some pictures of Waiuta and then we made a slide show. Here is Jake's and my slide show.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Pet Day
In our school it has just recently been Pet Day. Pet Day is a day when everyone brings their pet to school. They get their poster judged and then they get judged with their pet. For the people that have the best marks they get a prize. After Pet Day room 5 had to make a slide show, and put our writing on with some photos.
Here is my slide show.
Reading Profile
In class every term we make new reading profiles. We have to include our favourite book author, last terms reading goal, this terms reading goals, and our favourite book series.
Here is my reading profile.ππ
Here is my reading profile.ππ
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Our Hunting Chair
The other day room five and six had a task to decorate some old wooden chairs that have been sitting in the back of the school shed for a while. Jackson and I were in a group and our theme was hunting. First of all we had to clean all the dust of the chairs, then we had to find some pictures of our theme in a magazine and cut them out. After that we had to glue all the pictures on with PVA glue, then we had to seal the chairs with non toxic ModPodge glue. I think the hardest part was finding the pictures because there weren't many hunting pictures in the magazines. I think that Jackson and I worked well because we didn't start up a big argument about where that picture should go, or, "Change that picture, it looks ugly!"
Here is our chair.π
Here is our chair.π
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Reading challenge
Hello! Fellow bloggers. In the holidays we had to find a sentence in a book that we read which describes the characters feelings. We also had to make sure we had the author of the book, the title of the book, the page number and a picture that relates to the sentence. Here is mine:)π
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
In class during topic we have been working on a collage which was based on plastic. We had to watch a video about plastic and on how bad it is for the environment. We had to made our collage so it had a lot of impact and caught everyone's eye. We think our group worked well together and we think we did an even amount of work each on our collage . We thought that finding the colours like yellow, blue, grey and pink out of the magazine was the hardest part. We also think that we caught everyone's eyes.
In class during topic we have been working on a collage which was based on plastic. We had to watch a video about plastic and on how bad it is for the environment. We had to made our collage so it had a lot of impact and caught everyone's eye. We think our group worked well together and we think we did an even amount of work each on our collage . We thought that finding the colours like yellow, blue, grey and pink out of the magazine was the hardest part. We also think that we caught everyone's eyes.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Persuasive letter
In class during writing we have been learning to do persuasive writing. We had to persuade our principal to stop using plastic bin liners for the classroom bins. We had to make sure that we had three reasons why we think we don't need plastic bin liners. We also had to make sure that we started our paragraphs with firstly, secondly and finally. Here is my writing.
10th September 2018
Dear Mrs Wallace
At Awahono School we use a lot of plastic bin liners a year. I think we should stop using some of the bin liners. Here are three reasons why I think we should stop using bin liners.
Firstly, Awahono School uses more than ten bin liners a day and we don’t even need ten because all we put in them is dry paper and and plastic. We also spend a lot of money on plastic bin liners a year. We use ten plastic bin liners a day, fifty a week, five hundred a term and two thousand a year!
Secondly, at the end of the day the plastic bags are just tied and put into the big black rubbish bag. I think we should stop using the bin liners
because we can just tip the rubbish into the big bag. It is also better for the environment because there will not as much plastic polluting our land and seas if we stop using some of the bin liners.
Finally, we only need plastic bin liners for the wet rubbish like milk cartons and half empty yogurt containers. We only need them for the wet rubbish because it will stain the metal bin and the dry rubbish can’t stain the bin because it’s not wet!
In conclusion, I think Awahono School should stop using plastic bin liners for the dry rubbish and help the environment by using less plastic bin liners!
Yours sincerely,
10th September 2018
Dear Mrs Wallace
At Awahono School we use a lot of plastic bin liners a year. I think we should stop using some of the bin liners. Here are three reasons why I think we should stop using bin liners.
Firstly, Awahono School uses more than ten bin liners a day and we don’t even need ten because all we put in them is dry paper and and plastic. We also spend a lot of money on plastic bin liners a year. We use ten plastic bin liners a day, fifty a week, five hundred a term and two thousand a year!
Secondly, at the end of the day the plastic bags are just tied and put into the big black rubbish bag. I think we should stop using the bin liners
because we can just tip the rubbish into the big bag. It is also better for the environment because there will not as much plastic polluting our land and seas if we stop using some of the bin liners.
Finally, we only need plastic bin liners for the wet rubbish like milk cartons and half empty yogurt containers. We only need them for the wet rubbish because it will stain the metal bin and the dry rubbish can’t stain the bin because it’s not wet!
In conclusion, I think Awahono School should stop using plastic bin liners for the dry rubbish and help the environment by using less plastic bin liners!
Yours sincerely,
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Maths DLO
In class we had been using double number lines. We had to draw one in our maths book and then use it to figure out our fraction questions. We had to make a DLO and use the double number lines to figure out three questions. I think the double number line helps me a lot with my learning. Here is our DLO!ππ
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
El Gregoe 2018
On 4 September 2018 El Gregoe came to our school. El Gregoe is a magician and ventriloquist. He came to teach us what to do if we are getting bullied, he also did some magic tricks and some illusions. He told us the five steps which are Respect, Helpful, Trustworthy, Responsible and Caring. I learned the five steps to stop bullying. Here are some pictures of his visit.
Friday, 31 August 2018
In class we have been working on shapes. We had to do a Screencastify about two dimensional shapes and we had to buddy up and talk about some shapes. Here is mine and Solly's Screencastify.π
The Plastic Mountain
In writing we have been working on The Plastic Mountain. We had to make sure that we were writing in present tense, extended our sentences and used senses to describe: sights, sounds, smells, feelings, sensations. Here is my writing.
Click this link and it will take you to a picture we wrote about.
The Plastic Mountain

Another day at work and I still don’t have enough moola to live a happy life. “Ow!” Crunch! I just tripped over on a mountain of plastic bottles. I sit down on some bottles and start cutting the labels off the vivid green plastic bottles with my pocket knife. As I cut the labels off and put the bottles in a wooden basket all I can hear is the cars and trucks thundering over the bridge and the people on the other side of the bridge staring at us.
I’m so angry because I have been sorting plastic bottles all my life and me and my family and i are still under this bridge sorting plastic! I walk over and pick up a dirty green bottle and throw it in a basket but then I notice that it landed in the wrong basket. I stomp over and all I can hear is the sound of of people laughing at us, I pick the bottle back up and squeeze the bottle until the bottle is flat like a pancake.
I walk over the bottles and all we can hear is the bottles going “CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH!”I pick up a basket and there a variety of different fizzy drinks like 7up, Fanta and some more lying in the basket. I pull out my knife and just before I cut off a label “AHH!” my mum shouts as she sees a big brown rat with a long pink tail jump out of a chip packet. I sit down and sigh and all I’m thinking about is why do we need all this plastic?
Click this link and it will take you to a picture we wrote about.
The Plastic Mountain
Another day at work and I still don’t have enough moola to live a happy life. “Ow!” Crunch! I just tripped over on a mountain of plastic bottles. I sit down on some bottles and start cutting the labels off the vivid green plastic bottles with my pocket knife. As I cut the labels off and put the bottles in a wooden basket all I can hear is the cars and trucks thundering over the bridge and the people on the other side of the bridge staring at us.
I’m so angry because I have been sorting plastic bottles all my life and me and my family and i are still under this bridge sorting plastic! I walk over and pick up a dirty green bottle and throw it in a basket but then I notice that it landed in the wrong basket. I stomp over and all I can hear is the sound of of people laughing at us, I pick the bottle back up and squeeze the bottle until the bottle is flat like a pancake.
I walk over the bottles and all we can hear is the bottles going “CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH!”I pick up a basket and there a variety of different fizzy drinks like 7up, Fanta and some more lying in the basket. I pull out my knife and just before I cut off a label “AHH!” my mum shouts as she sees a big brown rat with a long pink tail jump out of a chip packet. I sit down and sigh and all I’m thinking about is why do we need all this plastic?
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Author Visit
On Tuesday 28 of August Jenny Sommervell came to visit our school. She told us about the writing process and how hard it can be to write a book. She also showed us some of her books and she read two to us. My favorite book was The Day that Dad Blew up the Cowshed.
Here are some photos of her visit.
Here are some photos of her visit.
Friday, 17 August 2018
Plastic toy shop writing
In class we have been writing about a picture of a plastic toy shop. We were learning how to describe. We also had to make sure that we used present tense,
used senses to describe sights, sounds, smells, feelings, sensations, used adjectives to describe the people and things, used interesting, precise nouns and verbs
used senses to describe sights, sounds, smells, feelings, sensations, used adjectives to describe the people and things, used interesting, precise nouns and verbs
and extended our sentences by adding detail.
here is my writing.
Here is mine:)ππ
The Plastic Toy Shop
I stroll into the plastic toy shop. The shelves are packed top to bottom with bright neon colours. There are toy cars stacked three high on a shelf that are all different vivid colours. I am so cramped because the store is flooded with plastic toys that soon will end up in the sea or in a landfill. As I browse through the toy guns and try to decide on one to buy there is an irritating sound of keys from the computer keyboard clicking. As I walk up to the counter I am starting to regret buying this plastic toy because it might end up in the sea and kill some animals.☹☹☹☹ my name is Jeff the man boy!!
Friday, 3 August 2018
Today in class we have been working on lines of symmetry. A line of symmetry is a line in the middle of something like a piece of paper that divides it in to two equal parts. We had to get a piece of paper and fold the paper in half then we had to draw some straight lines and make shapes and glue them onto some black paper. We had to have 4 shapes with three sides, 4 with more than 4 lines, and four with 4 lines. Here is mine:)πππ
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Reading Profile
In class we have been working on reading profiles. We had to make sure that we have a book that someone has recommended to us and some other things. Here is my reading profile.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Fraction Art
Hi fellow bloggers, today in maths we made fraction art. We used eighths, halves, wholes, quarters and sixteenths to make fish, jelly fish boats, eels and some seaweed. I used three eighths to make my eel and four halves and one quarter to make my fish. Here is my picture:)
Friday, 20 July 2018
Descriptive Setting
Hi fellow bloggers, i'm sure you now it's the school holidays. Well are School has given us some holiday homework and we have to find a sentence in a book that we read that describes the setting of the book. We had to make sure that we had the title of the book the author the page number and we have to get a picture that illustrates the sentence. We also have to make sure that the sentence that describes the setting.
Friday, 6 July 2018
Sid Writting
In class we have been writing about a cat that comes to our school named Sid. Here is my writing.
Sid is a cat that comes to our school. We call him Sid because there is a book named Six Dinner Sid and Sid is very like the cat in the book because Sid gets feed multiple people.
Sid is black and white with a patch of black on her nose that looks like a flag. She also has olive green eyes. Sid is rude in some ways like jumping on tables and some other rude stuff. One day she caught a mouse that was still alive and gave it to me. Sometimes she runs down the fence by the orchard and probably goes to some other people. Sid likes to run through doors when they are open and distracts us when we are doing our school work.
Sid hangs around his food bowl by the office in the morning until Mrs Whitmore feeds him cat biscuits. As soon as she gets spotted everyone runs over to Sid and tries to pat her but Sid gets scared and runs away from everyone.
I hope that Sid will still visit our school even though Sid is very naughty but I think he can be good sometimes.
Monday, 2 July 2018
Clive Staples Lewis Screencastify
Lately we have been reading about Clive Staples Lewis. Jackson and I have made a Screencastify about CS Lewis. Here is our Screencastify.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Pukapuka SMA
In reading we have been leaning about Pukapuka Island. Jackson and I have made an SMA about Pukapuka Island. Here is our SMA.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Reading Plus Pogress
In class we have been recording our Reading Plus progress. We answered some questions on a document about how we have been going on Reading Plus. Here is my Screencastify.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Maths DLO
In class our maths group has been working on a maths DLO about what we are doing in our maths.we have been working on how to use bracket equations, five times tables and arrays to solve multiplication problems. Here is our maths DLO.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Pablo Picasso art work
In class we have been learning about a famous artist , Pablo Picasso. We based our self portraits on his cubism period and then we had a go at drawing our own. Here is my self portrait.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Cross Country Writing
Cross Country Running
It’s the day that cross country is on, wait I better get ready, I’m running soon I thinking to myself.
I’m at the starting line and the lady is saying “On your marks get set go.” I’m now sprinting down the track with my legs pounding the mushy mud on the ground. As I look up I see people on the pale white fence are cheering me on yelling, “GO LOCHIE,GO.” I’m now jogging in front of everyone. At this point my legs are straining and my arms are pumping. There is so much pain in my chest from the stitch. I’m falling down a bump so I pound my leg on the ground to stop me from falling. I am running up the last bump. Now I’m nearly at the home stretch I look behind and I see my friends and some other people right by me.
“Ouch!” I hit a peg and three people pass me. They thunder down the track and I sprint off after them. Three people cross the line and I get 4th place.I feel happy even though I didn’t get first place.
It’s the day that cross country is on, wait I better get ready, I’m running soon I thinking to myself.
I’m at the starting line and the lady is saying “On your marks get set go.” I’m now sprinting down the track with my legs pounding the mushy mud on the ground. As I look up I see people on the pale white fence are cheering me on yelling, “GO LOCHIE,GO.” I’m now jogging in front of everyone. At this point my legs are straining and my arms are pumping. There is so much pain in my chest from the stitch. I’m falling down a bump so I pound my leg on the ground to stop me from falling. I am running up the last bump. Now I’m nearly at the home stretch I look behind and I see my friends and some other people right by me.
“Ouch!” I hit a peg and three people pass me. They thunder down the track and I sprint off after them. Three people cross the line and I get 4th place.I feel happy even though I didn’t get first place.
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
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